Oil and natural gas provide a net benefit to the environment. Countries with greater access to reliable, affordable energy not only have higher standards of living, but also cleaner environments and healthier populations. Increased use of natural gas electricity generation leads to lower levels of air pollution and offers a tangible solution for climate change. Fuel switching to natural gas in the electricity sector is the number one reason the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions more than any other country since 2005.
Of course, like any human industrial or agricultural activity, oil and natural gas development and production have environmental impacts. The keys to effective regulation are to minimize those impacts, reduce risk of accident, and partner with industry to deliver continuous environmental improvements. American oil and natural gas producers have met every legitimate environmental challenge, reducing air emissions, water use, and footprint on the land, among others. We have a four-decade record of success in reducing methane emissions even as oil and natural gas production has skyrocketed.
Western Energy Alliance advocates for a stable, predictable regulatory climate that recognizes the oil and natural gas industry as a partner in environmental protection. We oppose overly prescriptive regulations that impose excessive red tape rather than deliver on-the-ground environmental protection. We’ve seen how overregulation stifles innovation and can lock in obsolete technology. Effective regulation, on the other hand, sets standards and empowers innovation, thereby unleashing best practices and more efficient ways to deliver environmental benefits.

Regulatory Comment Letters
- 12/13/23 - Comments on Dakota Access Pipeline Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- 10/9/23 - Letter of Support for Tallgrass SE Wyoming CO2 Sequestration Project
- 10/2/23 - Comments to EPA on Subpart W
- 8/7/23 - EPA Clean Power Plant 2.0 Comments
- 7/5/23 - Comments on EPA Light-Duty Tailpipe Emissions Standards
- 6/27/23 - ONRR Letter on Jan 2023 Indian Index Pricing with IPAMN
- 6/20/23 - OMB Circular A-4 Comments
- 5/3/23 - Coalition Letter Opposing Ann Carlson's Nomination to NHTSA
- 4/17/23 - Dept. of Energy Conservation Standards for Cooking Products Comments
- 2/13/23 - EPA NSPS OOOOb/EG OOOOc Comments
- 1/30/23 - BLM Waste Prevention Rule Comments
- 10/6/22 - EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program Rule Comments
- 8/8/22 - Water Quality Certification Rule Under Clean Water Act Section 401
- 4/25/22 - FERC Greenhouse Gas Analysis Draft Policy Statement
- 1/31/22 - EPA OOOO Proposed Rule
- 1/31/22 - Producer Associations' Joint Comments on the EPA OOOO Proposed Rule